Category: Blog


Preventing Spread of COVID-19 in California’s Government Facilities

Many government facilities have closed their doors to the public in an effort to minimize the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). In order to maintain government services, solutions have been implemented, such as the DMV’s online transaction portal, public meetings, and hearings for the Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning being rescheduled online. Courtrooms in Los Angeles are closed to non-essential functions until…
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The Ongoing Changes of Face Mask Laws in Southern California

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic grows, health officials are recommending the general public to wear face masks or facial coverings to minimize the spread of the virus. The CDC (Center for Disease Control) advises putting on a cloth face covering when going out in public areas, such as grocery stores. Some city and county officials have taken this advisory…
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COVID-19: Creating a Safe Workplace

As we enter the phases of reopening, many American’s are beginning to return to the workforce. Along with the highly anticipated reset of the economy, comes some valid concerns. Am I safe to return to my office? What steps were taken to ensure a safe workplace? What will happen if a coworker tests positive for COVID-19?  All of These Questions Are Valid …
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property managers and covid-19

Property Managers Coping with COVID-19

Keeping rental properties occupied is a challenge for many landlords and property managers during the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. With overriding concerns of contracting the contagious virus, potential, as well as current renters, are increasingly wary of how landlords handle the health and safety of tenants.   Recently, residents of an apartment complex owned by a large…
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Wearing a Mask: How, When and Why

The CDC recently began recommending that everyone wear a mask when going out in public. So how did they come to this conclusion? What is the difference between the different masks on the market? What’s the difference between a mask and a respirator? What mask should I wear? And if this is a good idea,…
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Preventing COVID-19 Spread at Nursing Homes

During this time, nursing homes continue to provide in-patient rehabilitation for patients that require medical treatment. The majority of skilled-nursing facility resident demographics almost completely align with the known at-risk population for serious illness from COVID-19. This creates greater concern for COVID-19 exposure and increases awareness for the need for proper protective equipment, adequately trained staff,…
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Construction is “Essential” – So are Safe Work Practices

In California and Nevada, construction remains an “essential” business, but with conditions. In Southern California, all types of construction projects proceed while requiring workers to follow social distancing guidelines and wear proper face coverings. However, concerns over Coronavirus spreading may impact individual worksites or contractors, which is why additional procedures should be utilized. At A-Tech,…
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COVID-19 Relief for Schools: CARES Act

The COVID-19 shutdown has been a very difficult time for both educators and parents of students. Teachers are diligently working to provide daily lesson plans and work with each of their students through distance learning. Students may be stressing out about the Grade/No Grade policy and how that will affect their chances in getting into…
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Environmental Surface Testing for COVID-19: Swab Testing

Worried About Possible Coronavirus Contamination?  What happens when you have a confirmed case that occupies a workspace or public area? Is there a way to show your employees and patrons that the area is safe to occupy after a coworker is showing suspect symptoms or has tested positive? A specialized decontamination plan can be implemented for affected the area. Once the cleaning is completed, decontamination can be verified through both ATP (Adenosine…
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Reopening Hotels after COVID-19 

 Vacation Season Is Just Around the Corner!  The sun is out and the weather is warming up, so what does that mean for the hospitality industry and reopening hotels? GPS tracking has noted a consistent uptick in travel as people are getting cabin fever. It is highly anticipated that “staycations” where families will visit nearby locations 2-5 hours drive…
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