In California and Nevada, construction remains an “essential” business, but with conditions. In Southern California, all types of construction projects proceed while requiring workers to follow social distancing guidelines and wear proper face coverings. However, concerns over Coronavirus spreading may impact individual worksites or contractors, which is why additional procedures should be utilized. At A-Tech, we serve as part of the construction industry by providing industrial hygiene services to keep your employees safe. During the Coronavirus pandemic, A-Tech has been asked to conduct jobsite audits, and 80% of the sites we have visited have been out of alignment with current health and safety practices. Masks were not worn or not worn correctly, social distancing was not being observed, sanitation stations have been lacking, and proper disinfection practices of equipment were not being conducted on many job sites. We are here to ensure your employees stay safe, and your company stays open and productive during this call to create a hyper-vigilant healthy work environment. We have included helpful tips to ensure your business stays open.
Jobsite Wellness Tips:
- Practice social distancing by maintaining a minimum 6-foot distance from others.
- If social distancing is not practical and employees must work closer than a 6-foot distance from each other to perform their task, and provide PPE to those employees. PPE includes but is not limited to gloves, goggles, face shields and face masks
- Conduct Pre-Screening before employees enter a site
- Identify and Disinfect all frequently touched areas/surfaces
- Do not allow employees to share tools or equipment
- Develop an Action Plan with Jobsite specific COVID-19 procedures
What is an Action Plan?
COVID-19 Action Plans are comprehensive procedure guidelines used to prevent this virus from spreading. Plans should include health information, alterations to tasks to prevent crowding, unnecessary contact, or unhygienic conditions. An effective Action Plan will include enforcement of the current CDC hygienic recommendations and routine disinfection of high traffic/high contact areas.
We Are Here to Help
For contractors concerned with their current COVID-19 procedures, A-Tech is available to help develop a comprehensive Action Plan. With our Industrial Hygiene/ Environmental Consulting expertise, we can assist with COVID-19 Jobsite procedures along with implementation of the Action Plan. A-Tech can also provide PPE donning/doffing training and proper disinfection training for janitorial, construction and disinfection staff. We are also conducting 3rd party coronavirus prevention in the workplace safety audits to keep employers protected and employees safe during this time. We need our essential workers now more than ever and protecting them should be the top priority for everyone.
We are here to assist you anywhere in the greater Los Angeles, Orange County, Ventura County, San Luis Obispo County, San Diego County and Inland Empire areas during this COVID-19 pandemic and all your environmental testing needs! Contact us at [email protected] or 1-800-434-1025.