Industry News


Preventing COVID-19 Spread at Nursing Homes

During this time, nursing homes continue to provide in-patient rehabilitation for patients that require medical treatment. The majority of skilled-nursing facility resident demographics almost completely align with the known at-risk population for serious illness from COVID-19. This creates greater concern for COVID-19 exposure and increases awareness for the need for proper protective equipment, adequately trained staff,…
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Construction is “Essential” – So are Safe Work Practices

In California and Nevada, construction remains an “essential” business, but with conditions. In Southern California, all types of construction projects proceed while requiring workers to follow social distancing guidelines and wear proper face coverings. However, concerns over Coronavirus spreading may impact individual worksites or contractors, which is why additional procedures should be utilized. At A-Tech,…
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COVID-19 Relief for Schools: CARES Act

The COVID-19 shutdown has been a very difficult time for both educators and parents of students. Teachers are diligently working to provide daily lesson plans and work with each of their students through distance learning. Students may be stressing out about the Grade/No Grade policy and how that will affect their chances in getting into…
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Environmental Surface Testing for COVID-19: Swab Testing

Worried About Possible Coronavirus Contamination?  What happens when you have a confirmed case that occupies a workspace or public area? Is there a way to show your employees and patrons that the area is safe to occupy after a coworker is showing suspect symptoms or has tested positive? A specialized decontamination plan can be implemented for affected the area. Once the cleaning is completed, decontamination can be verified through both ATP (Adenosine…
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Reopening Hotels after COVID-19 

 Vacation Season Is Just Around the Corner!  The sun is out and the weather is warming up, so what does that mean for the hospitality industry and reopening hotels? GPS tracking has noted a consistent uptick in travel as people are getting cabin fever. It is highly anticipated that “staycations” where families will visit nearby locations 2-5 hours drive…
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Personal Protective Equipment Training

A-Tech Provides Personal Protective Equipment Training for all at-risk healthcare professionals. At this time, California has almost 55,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases. In Orange County alone, 1,691 cases have been reported, wherein 148 cases are currently hospitalized and 54 cases are in the ICU, as reported by 24 hospitals. With the number of hospital cases remaining…
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How to: Maintain a Safe Workplace during COVID-19

Last week, the CDC issued a memo titled “Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility” with step-by-step instructions on how to maintain a safe workplace during the coronavirus. On page 3, they list out additional considerations for employers, which include:   Developing policies for worker protection and provide training to all cleaning staff.  Training should include when to…
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Essential Worker Protection: Steps to take to stop the spread

With the California Stay–At–Home Order still in effect, the strain on essential worker protection is higher than ever. As an employer/employee of this workforce, the question arises, how can I protect myself or my workers and ensure their safety?   What PPE and Training Should I Offer?  The basic CDC guidelines of social distancing and frequent hand…
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Healthcare PPE: What You Need to Know

We know about the lack of proper PPE for our healthcare facilities in California and for most of the country. So, what can be done now to protect our healthcare workers?  There have been 1,425 Coronavirus reported cases in Orange County and 10,854 reported cases in Los Angeles County. Per a KTLA article, recent infections at healthcare facilities include cases of…
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Asbestos Found in Children’s Products

Asbestos was found where?! A recent article, “Asbestos Found in Children’s Makeup Product”, highlighted that this cancer-causing mineral was found in a children’s makeup product. Although the majority of people know that asbestos exposure is dangerous, it continues to be found in numerous commercial products. The article explained that the brand IQ Toys produced the…
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