Category: Blog

Noise Testing

Noise Exposure Testing and Analysis

Noise! It’s everywhere we go these days. From the buzz of traffic to the hum of machinery, our ears are constantly bombarded with sound. But have you ever wondered how all this noise affects our health? That’s where noise exposure testing and analysis comes in. So, what exactly is noise exposure testing? Well, it’s a…
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Understanding Surface Sampling for Fentanyl

Understanding Surface Sampling For Fentanyl Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that is known to be highly potent and dangerous. It is often used in medical settings for pain management, but it has also been increasingly used as a recreational drug, leading to a rise in overdose deaths. Due to its potency, even a small…
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How Wild Fires Lead to Particulate Contamination

How Wildfires Lead to Particulate Contamination The wildfires that have been raging in California have caused widespread damage and have had a significant impact on air quality in the region. One of the major concerns arising from these fires is particulate contamination, which can have serious health consequences for those exposed to it. Particulate matter…
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Lead in Water

Lead in Water Exposure to lead—like that found in contaminated water—can result in significant health problems. Children are particularly at risk because their growing bodies absorb more lead than adults. Negative health effects include anemia, kidney, and brain damage, as well as learning disabilities and decreased growth. Many young children spend significant time in childcare settings. According…
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Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Bernadette Zita Breast Cancer is the most common form of cancer seen among American women aside from skin cancers. With a 13% chance of developing breast cancer at some point in a woman’s life, nearly 1 in 8 women are affected by this disease in the United States. While there is…
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National Women’s Small Business Month

In October, National Women’s Small Business Month highlights the benefits and industry women bring to communities when they own a small business. With over 11 million women owning small businesses in the United States, there’s plenty of opportunities to get involved. Women are a driving force in the nation’s economy, starting most new businesses. They…
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Noise Pollution- What is That?

Noise Pollution: What is That? Everyone has experienced noise pollution and its adverse effects on physical and mental health. A fire alarm going off in the middle of the night keeps you awake.  A rock concert that was just a little bit too loud that leaves your ears ringing the next day. These are just…
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Smoke & Soot: The Dangerous Byproduct of Wildfire Season

Smoke & Soot: The Dangerous Byproduct of Wildfire Season Summer, AKA fire season in water-deprived California is here and from the looks of it, it is going to be a lot like last year’s record-setting season. This is concerning not only for those with property in fire-prone areas but nearly every property in the state…
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June 15th: Preparing Your Business for Full Capacity

Preparing Your Business to Reopen at Full Capacity   June 15 is right around the corner and businesses across California are preparing to reopen at full capacity. Unfortunately, because so many businesses have been operating well below capacity for so long, the potential for health hazards to enter your building has greatly increased. To ensure…
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Industrial Hygiene: How Safe is Your Workplace?

Some estimates suggest that the average person works 90,000 hours over a lifetime. With all this time spent on the job, we would like to assume that our workplaces are safe and healthy environments. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. In many cases, unsafe workplaces or workplace practices can expose occupants and employees to…
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