Do you have a plan?
If you own a business that is experiencing the effects of the roll back you may be wondering what you can do to ensure we stay open moving forward. What precautions and measures do I need to take to ensure my business reopens safely and most importantly, stays open safely? On May 12, 2020, the California Department of Health released a variety of industry-specific guidelines including recommendations from the CDC and OSHA for businesses planning to reopen. Specific guidelines may vary between industries and it is important to understand the key actions businesses should take when reopening.
Key Steps Businesses Should Take
The first step to reopening begins with your business conducting a thorough risk assessment and developing a site-specific protection plan or COVID-19 action plan. This risk assessment will help identify areas of risk for potential spread of COVID-19, with a protection plan outlining the response and actions that will be implemented to ensure customer and employee safety. It is important to note that these protection plans are not written in stone and protection plans should be updated regularly to reflect the most recent recommendations from the California Department of Health, CDC and OSHA.
The next step is for your business to fully implement their protection plan. Workers need to be trained on the guidelines that are outlined within the protection plan. This includes training on preventative measures, such as hygiene practices which includes regular handwashing and proper use of face coverings. It is critical that your business train employees and enforce proper hygiene practices, as these measures are highly effective in limiting the spread of COVID-19. In addition, your business needs to continue implementing social distancing by placing an emphasis on safely spacing customers apart and limiting occupancy.
How A-Tech Can Help
Reopening safely heavily depends on a thorough risk assessment and protection or action plan that can be properly implemented and adhered to. If you feel overwhelmed on where to start, A-Tech can help! With our Industrial Hygiene and Environmental Consulting expertise, A-Tech can provide solutions to effectively and safely reopening and ensuring business continuity for all employees and customers across all industries.
Are you having trouble putting together a COVID-19 Action Plan? Our Industrial Hygiene Department can provide solutions to effectively and safely reopening and ensuring business continuity for all employees and customers in all industries.
A-Tech’s list of services includes both COVID-19 specific services and Environmental Hazards.
COVID-19 Specific Services:
- Personal Protective Equipment Donning/Doffing, Disposal and Decontamination
- Decontamination Training for All Occupations
- Decontamination Plans for Contractors and Facilities
- COVID-19 Surface Sampling by PCR (to determine the presence or absence of COVID-19)
Additional Environmental Hazard Services:
During this COVID-19 Pandemic, A-Tech is available to assist you throughout the Greater Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego County, and Inland Empire area for all your environmental needs.
Contact us at [email protected] or 1-800-434-1025 – we are available to answer any questions you have about environmental concerns.