Combustible Dust
If your company processes or bulk handles food powders (flours, sugars, etc.), Wood Dust, Metal Dust, Carbon based Dust, Plastic Dust or other Fine dusts, then you have a Combustible Dust Hazard and the potential for an EXPLOSION!!
How A-Tech Can Help
NFPA 652
On September 7, 2020, per the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) 652: Standard on the Fundamentals of Combustible Dust, facilities are required to complete an initial DHA for their facility. The DHA must be revalidated every five (5) years.
DHAs identify when and where dust explosions and flash fire hazards can exist to assist with evaluating consequences and assessing the level of risk in a facility. DHA’s also evaluate your current hazards and controls.
Compliance Review
NFPA requirements to prevent Explosion and Fire are not your only concern! OSHA also has standards when dusts are small enough to enter the lungs. We can assist your compliance efforts with BOTH agencies.
Dust Sampling and Analysis
Various tests are utilized to assess your hazards and compliance, such as: • Go / No-Go Explosion Screening • Maximum explosion pressure (Pmax) • Normalized Maximum Rate of Pressure Rise (Kst) • Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE) • Minimum Ignition Temperature (MIT) • Minimum Explosible Concentration (MEC) • Moisture content • Particle size distribution
Combustible Dust
Does your company or firm process any of these products or materials in powdered form?
List of materialsFacts About Combustible Dust
How dust explosions occur, Induestries at risk, prevention of Dust Explosions and Dust Control Recommendations
Read moreOSHA Guidance
The following OSHA publications contain voluntary guidelines for employers and employees.
Read moreReady to kick-off your project?
Our Dedicated Team has the expertise you need to stay in compliance and on-schedule!