Project Summary
A-Tech conducted environmental screening and monitoring during soil excavation and earthmoving activities at a Site in Los Angeles. Removal and offsite disposal of the soil was necessary due to impacts from arsenic, lead, diesel-range organics and oil range organics.
A-Tech performed air monitoring during soil remediation activities due to the potential disturbance from fugitive emissions of dust. Air monitoring was intended to protect the onsite workers and adjacent community.
A-Tech screened excavated soils using an XRF instrument to assess soils for elevated arsenic and lead concentrations during excavation to determine the extent of impact and remedial delineation.
Key Points
– This portion of the remedial activities was part of a larger remediation program at the Site.
– A-Tech mobilized to the Site and managed the environmental portion of the soil and air elements of the project. Daily, weekly, and monthly reports were prepared and submitted to the client as status updates.
– Screening the soil for heavy metals assisted in quickly identifying the perimeter of the contaminated zones and collecting confirmation soil samples for proper delineation.