Asbestos was to be removed at an Orange County School as part of a planned renovation of their kitchen. The school district hired a certified abatement contractor to remove approximately 200 square feet of 9”x9” floor tiles and black mastic and 500 square feet of plaster walls. A-Tech coordinated the abatement efforts and monitored all phases of this abatement project. Before the start of work, A-Tech reviewed all submittals presented by the abatement contractor.
A-Tech’s asbestos consultant monitored all activities by the abatement contractor. This included the set-up and removal of all asbestos per the client’s scope of work. After the abatement contractor completed set-up, A-Tech visually inspected the containment to ensure that it was free of breaches. Air monitoring was conducted by A-Tech throughout the duration of this abatement project to ensure that fiber concentrations remained low inside and outside of the containment. This would also prove that the engineering controls utilized by the abatement contractor were effective. Once the containment passes, final visual inspection, A-Tech waits 24 hours prior to running TEM clearances, which is the protocol for asbestos air clearances in schools. During the TEM clearances, A-Tech used fans and a blower to make any loose asbestos fibers become airborne. The project was successful and all TEM samples were below the clearance criteria. Nothing is more rewarding to us at A-Tech like ensuring we provide a clean environment to a schools children and staff.