Who Needs Environmental Sampling & Analyses?
Environmental sampling is required to further characterize the site when an initial assessment identifies the presence of contaminants. Sampling occurs in various ways including soil, soil vapor, groundwater, concrete and asphalt surfaces, and air. All sampling must follow industry standards, regulatory requirements, and our protocols, including use of proper PPE, decontamination of sampling equipment between each sampling point, collecting samples in appropriate containers, proper labeling and recording, and standard chain-of-custody procedures. A-Tech has developed in-house Statement of Procedure documents and manuals, that effectively communicate proper sampling methods to our field technicians. Additionally, these sampling activities are always conducted under supervision of a licensed engineer or geologist, who are superbly experienced and knowledgeable of that method.
How Can A-Tech Help?
A-Tech’s personnel are certified and trained to collect soil, soil vapor, groundwater, surface water, air quality, concrete, and asphalt samples from any environment. Following safety protocols is of paramount importance when conducting fieldwork, and A-Tech has the proper training and certification for any project. Our field personnel are experienced in the use of various sampling equipment, including direct push technology and hollow stem augers for boring installation, field parameter devices (e.g., Horiba Water Quality Meter, X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer, Photoionization detector, Summa Canisters, etc.), hand augers and rotary hammers, pumps and bailors, and soil vapor probes.