Hazardous Materials Business Plans are due Anually
California law states that businesses that handle hazardous materials must annually prepare and submit a Hazardous Materials Business Plan to the appropriate local Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA). The purpose of the HMBP program is to prevent harm to pulic heath and the environment from the release of a hazardous material. The HMBP also provides emergency response personnel with information to help beter prepare and respont to chemical related incidents at facilities.

A Few Things You Should Know
The plan
HMBPs include four elements:
1. Business activities and owner identification.
2. Hazardous material inventory.
3. A site map.
4. An emergency response plan and employee training
*Check with local authorities for any additional requirements
Facilities required to be regulated under HMBP
Businesses storing hazardous materials (including waste) or extremely hazardous substances at reportable quantities are required to prepare and submit a HMBP. The general reportable quantities are equal to or grater than 55 gallons of a liquid, 200 cubit feet of gas, and 500 pounds of a solid.
When to submit a HMBP
1. Yearly
2. A 100 percent or more increase in the quantity of previously disclosed material
3. Any handling of a previously undisclosed hazardous material subject to the inventory requrimens of an HMBP
4. Change of business anddress
5. Change of Ownership
6. A substantial change in the handlers Operations.
7. Any change in emergency response personnel.
Penalties for late submission can reach from $2000-$5000 per day.