Stormwater Annual Reports Are Due July 15
The Storm Water General Permit requires that Dischargers arrange to have appropriately trained personnel implementing this General Permit’s requirements at each facility. The trained personnel is called Qualified Industrial Storm Water Practitioner (QISP), who is certified by the State Water Board.
In addition, if a Discharger’s facility enters Level 1 status, the Level 1 ERA Report must be prepared by a (QISP). All Action Plans and Technical Reports required in Level 2 status must also be prepared by a QISP.” A-Tech has several QISPs to serve your need.Who Needs Stormwater Management
Stormwater is another valuable water resource that has been getting a lot of attention in recent years. Stormwater management refers to all efforts and activities for reducing unplanned runoff and snowmelts from degrading downstream water quality. Capturing, treating, and re-using the stormwater has provided a great water supply source for irrigation and aquifer recharge and more agencies are planning to utilize this valuable resource. The stormwater management practices include minimizing impervious surfaces, increasing green space, promoting infiltration, and treating runoff on site.
Let’s Get You In Compliance
CONTACT US TODAYCalifornia Stormwater Annual Reports
All dischargers regulated under the California Stormwater Industrial General Permit are required to submit an Annual Report online by July 15th of each year. Make sure to get your reports in before the deadline!
How A-Tech Can Help
Our team stays up-to-date with regulations and best management practices published by State Water Resources Control Board and Department of Water Resources for stormwater management. A-Tech has developed Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) and Stormwater Pollution Control Plans (SWPCP) for our construction sites, and implemented best management practices in compliance with regulatory guidelines.