Noise Monitoring
Over 30 million Americans are exposed to extremely loud noise in the workplace over the course of each year, placing them at risk for hearing loss.
Every year, thousands of people develop hearing loss as a result of loud noise in the workplace. Effective noise monitoring is one of the most important aspects of reducing the risk of hearing loss and tinnitus in your workplace.
Our experienced team can carry out noise monitoring in your workplace to ensure workplace noise is not a threat to employee health and safety and for compliance with the California Occupational Health and Safety Administration (Cal/OSHA) regulations (CCR, Title 8, Section 5097).
If your workplace has high noise levels, your business is required by Cal/OSHA, to have a “Hearing Conservation Program (HCP)”. Our noise monitoring will help determine if your business needs a HCP and noise controls.
What are the health effects of loud noise exposure?
From time to time, almost everyone is exposed to noise that’s beyond the safe level for human hearing. Industrial machinery, motor vehicles and a huge range of other objects can generate noise that’s loud enough to potentially lead to hearing loss.
In the United States, an estimated 40 million people suffer from hearing loss caused by a variety of factors. About one quarter of all hearing loss is caused by exposure to loud noises (noise-induced hearing loss) – often in the workplace.
The health effects of exposure to loud noise vary between people. Some may develop serious hearing loss due to exposure to loud noise in the workplace. Others can develop tinnitus and other hearing conditions that can affect quality of life.
Luckily, noise-induced hearing loss is relatively easy to prevent by implementing a strict standard for workplace noise.
The health effects of exposure to loud noise vary between people.
Is your workplace too noisy?
Not all loud noises can cause hearing loss. Exposure to noise of 90 decibels or more for a fraction of a second – for example, in a workshop with traditional construction tools – are unlikely to lead to significant health issues.
However, extended exposure to loud noise can cause serious hearing loss for many people. Because of this, the Cal/OSHA standards for hearing loss are designed to ensure workers that work in noisy environments have a minimized hearing loss risk.
The Cal/OSHA permissible exposure limit for noise is 90dBA (decibels) for the standard eight-hour workday. Each five dBA above this limit cuts the amount of time in half – for example, a 100 dBA noise level is permissible only for two hours per day.
The Cal/OSHA Action Level (AL) for noise is 85 dBA for the standard eight-hour work day. At that level, a business is required to implement a Hearing Conservation Program (HCP) in order to reduce the risk of hearing loss.
If your workplace is a noisy environment, it’s important that you take steps to stop noise-induced hearing loss and to ensure your business complies with Cal/OSHA noise level standards.
Our noise monitoring services
Our experienced team can carry out noise monitoring in your workplace to calculate the average noise level throughout a full workday and ensure employees work in an environment that isn’t capable of affecting their hearing.
From factories to building sites, a wide range of worksites are at risk of being noisy enough to cause noise-induced hearing loss in employees. We can test your site and provide detailed information on its noise levels and noise-related safety risks.
Contact us to learn more
We specialize in creating healthy, safe and risk-free workplaces. Contact us now for more information on our noise monitoring services or to learn more about how we can help your business.
Contact us: https://atechinc.net/contact/